Why Outdoor Solar Lights Flicker (+Tips to Fix them!)

You’re probably reading this because your set of outdoor solar streetlights is flickering and it is an anomaly.

How do you know that?

Because they’re not the flickering flame, strobe lights, or the type that have several light modes from always bright to slow flashing and others!

And, it is this annoying flicker that’s not only interrupting your peace but denying you the opportunity to clearly see the dark places in your yard when you need to.

Ok, so what causes the flicker? Can it be fixed and how?

In some cases, yes.

I have worked with, installed, or replaced several outdoor lights over the years.

I have shared my experience below on why the solar lights may be flickering (so you can prevent the problem altogether) and if it is already an issue, how you may be able to solve it!

Why Solar Lights Flicker (How to Fix Them)

First, it is good to keep in mind that many of these lights have inbuilt sensors.

This is for convenience on your part (so you do not have to switch them on at dusk and off at dawn and to save energy – to only light up when there’s movement.

As a first step, I always investigate the sensor settings or the location where the outdoor light has been installed if it’s flickering and then check:

1. The motion sensor sensitivity may be set to high or the light may have been installed close to leaves/ branches that then trigger it.

And so, the slightest movement, whether the swaying of the branches or even in some cases, a change in humidity may set them On/Off hence that annoying licker.


Try lowering the sensitivity and/or positioning the light where there’re no tree branches in close proximity to the motion sensor.

Install the light where it has a clear view of the area where you want motion detected with no obstructions.

2. The inbuilt batteries may be deeply discharged and about to run out. One of the more likely reasons why solar outdoor lights may be flickering is because the inbuilt battery charge is extremely low.

Because of this, the light comes on for a short time or even flickers.

Are there any objects casting shadows on the solar panels?

If so, relocate the light such that it receives clear sunlight for as long as possible.


Switch OFF the light manually (locate it’s on and off switch). Let the light fully charge – it may require about 7-8 hours of sunshine.

This may be achieved in a day during the summer and over several days in the winter.

If the battery is dead, replace it with another and fully charge it. Check if this problem has cleared once the light is fully charged.

3. The light is Faulty light (malfunctioning sensor). It is also possible that one or more sensors are faulty – perhaps the internal circuity has been exposed to moisture or other.


Either way, the light might probably not have any user-serviceable parts and may need to be replaced – unfortunately.

Closing Thought

All in all, installing outdoor solar lights where there are no shadows cast on the solar panels, and adjusting the sensitivity to medium or low settings can help fix several flickering light problems.

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